You can support our train-and-place programmes that provides more employment to persons with special needs.
You can Donate via PAYNOW. Use iBanking app to scan QR code on this page or PayNow to UEN: 201628232C
Teach-a-child Programme
You can support the music education of a person with special needs, a youth-at- risk, family crisis or low income family. With the pandemic, many families have lost their jobs and children are forced to quit their music education. Many do not have access to music education opportunities too. Bring a smile to their faces by enabling them to sustain their education.
An average of $2000 will be able to support a child's music education for 1 year.
Volunteers with a heart are welcome at our events and schools. You can volunteer in the following areas.
Job Coaching
Mentoring of staff
Music Educators
Digital Education
(videography, photography, design)
Engage our Performing Groups
We perform Live at your events. Contact us for booking.
We are available for digital events too!